Scatterplot is finished! News post below. In other news: please consider voting in this poll about the possibility of publishing Scatterplot books. |
(2006.02.03) We're done....

Friday, February 3rd, 2006 - Chris
And so, Scatterplot is finished. I've been doing this since November of 2001. It's been longer than any other endeavor of my life, with the possible (and trivial) exception of elementary school. Since I started Scatterplot, I've earned bachelor's and master's degrees, gotten an internship and then a job with Amazon, and moved to Seattle. I've ended a relationship, started and ended another one, and started a third. The last four years and three months have been the most turbulent, changing, and ultimately happy years of my life, and through it all - despite occasional weeks and months of not updating often (if at all), Scatterplot has been a part of my life. And now I bring it to a close.
This has not been my journey alone, though. This is obvious; Stefan was an integral part of Scatterplot from its beginning until the beginning of 2005, and I feel like I've still kept his spirit of humor as part of the comic in its last 14 months. My friends have supported Scatterplot (and by the way, those of you that never ended up getting written into a character here, I'm sorry about that, and maybe in my next comic? I think there'll be one). And of course, all of you that have read Scatterplot - some of you were here from the beginning, some of you picked it up later on. I've never really had more than 250 readers at a time, but at the same time the fact that I've been able to entertain that many people on as regular a basis as I have truly makes Scatterplot the most significant thing I have ever done. So. Thank you all for reading - it's been an amazing journey.
And now for the plug-type things. If you're interested in hearing about my future projects, sign up on Scatterplot's mailing list, above. I'll try to keep the list updated, particularly if I start a new comic. There's also my livejournal.
Thank you all, and I hope to see you later.
-Chris Battey
Monday, January 17th, 2005 - Chris
I'm going to be attending Genericon again this year, January 28-30. As usual, there'll be a webcomics panel, and probably a jam of some sort. Don't know what else they have planned... I might also have something in the art auction. I don't know... we'll see.
Monday, January 3rd, 2005 - Chris
Today, we restart Scatterplot... Happy new year, everyone. I'm looking forward to actually keeping up with the comic this year. I'm (as of last night) five comics ahead, and hopefully that'll persist for a while. And, a fairly big announcement...
Stefan has decided to leave Scatterplot. One of the reasons we've been so bad about updating over the past four months - apart from us both being busy in the first place - was that our schedules never really matched up anymore. We've had some trouble coordinating comics. Further - and more of an issue in the long run, I think - he's felt his inspiration and enthusiasm for the whole project start to wane, and he has other projects he'd like to work on. So there it is. I'm now taking on Scatterplot's writing duties (which is why the writing in the next several comics probably won't be up to par until I get used to doing this...). I'm looking forward to seeing what else he comes up with, though - and I'll let you all know if he actually puts out a book or a website or something.
So here we go. It'll be an interesting year, I think.
Friday, November 26th - Chris
Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. Or... a nice Thursday. I dunno. Anyway, the next two to three weeks will be absolute hell on my life, but after that, I'm hoping to get back on a regular schedule for Scatterplot, and maybe build up a bit of a buffer, like I had for the better part of a week this summer.
Wednesday, September 15th - Chris
The fanart contest deadline's been removed, because I only got one submission - a work in Paint by my girlfriend. I, um, have more prizes than that. I may re-announce a deadline later on, or I may just cancel this whole thing, I dunno. But even though I'm all moved in, the fanart would still be appreciated...
Monday, August 16th - Chris
So over the weekend, I received a package containing several copies of the Keenspace Free Comic Book Day comic. This book, as I mentioned, contains a Scatterplot page, as well as many other comics. So, my call for fanart and guest strips is now a contest. The rules are simple: submit fanart by email to DarthParadox@gmail.com (NOTE THE NEW ADDRESS) before Friday, September 17th. At a certain point (not too far in the future), I'll have posted them all, and I'll post a list of all the submissions, with instructions on how to vote. First place gets a copy of the Keenspace comic book and choice of the two Keenspot FCBD books (Spotlight 2004 or Sore Thumbs). Second and third places each get a Keenspace book.
Friday, August 13th - Chris
At the end of next week, I'm moving back to Michigan. I doubt I'll be able to keep the comic updated, as my computer will be shipped, so I'm requesting any of you artists out there to send in guest strips or fanart or something. Send them to DarthParadox@gmail.com... thanks!
Monday, August 2nd - Chris
And of course, 216 is 63...
Monday, July 19 - Chris
Today, we have Scatterplot's 210th comic. This is a particularly special number, as it is the product of the first four primes. Enjoy the comic.
Friday, July 16 - Chris
Okay. Today's comic is the next in our journal series. I'm thinking of calling it "Stuff We Saw", since that's what they've all been about so far, but that may change. I dunno... giving it some thought.
Wednesday, July 7 - Chris
I probably should have mentioned this before, but Scatterplot appeared in the Keenspace comic book "From Pixels to Paper 2004", for Free Comic Book Day this year. There may still be comic shops around that have copies available, or borrow some from friends. It'll also be available at the San Diego Comic Con this year, at the Keenspot booth...
For those of you joining us after seeing the comic in the book, welcome! We recommend you start at the beginning.
Monday, June 21 - Chris
New site design is up! If you see any problems, please let me know. As always, comments are welcome.
Bear in mind that there are still some sections of the site that need revised content - or content at all. It'll happen sometime. Soon, I hope.
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Scatterplot is hosted on Keenspace, a website hosting and automation service for online cartoonists.
Scatterplot is © 2001-2003 Christopher Battey and Stefan Richter. Please do not redistribute without permission, and certainly not without linking to the site. You know how to play nice. See also our disclaimer. |